Tenant Information


Tenant Information

Listed below is some important information to help Tenants with their property.

(Please select a form below to download)

It is the tenant’s responsibility to arrange services (normally telephone, gas, electricity and water).  You are advised to apply for connection to the respective suppliers at least THREE working days before moving in.  Applications for electricity and gas supply need to be made directly to the preferred supplier.  You are required to inform the landlord or agent of the respective suppliers as soon as possible.  In Moving in Information

exceptional circumstances (E.g.; tenant arriving from overseas) where this is not possible, we are able to arrange for services to be provided on a temporary basis.  You should also contact British Telecom (or any other telecoms operator if applicable) for connection of your telephone service.  Eden Property Lettings & Management cannot accept responsibility for any costs incurred with connection of supplies.

You should check carefully the condition of the property and its contents when you move in with respect to the inventory.   The inventory is an important record which is used to assess any damage or dilapidations during the tenancy – which may lead to deductions from the deposit being made at the end of the tenancy.  If you find anything that is not in good order, then we ask you to report it to us within THREE days of moving-in so that the problem can be put right or marked on the inventory. 

The property is let as seen at the time of viewing; and requests for extra furniture, appliances or redecoration will NOT be considered within the first 6 months, should you wish to decorate / alter anything then you MUST request this in writing with evidence of colours etc to us, we will put your request to our clients for their consideration and decision . 

As tenant(s), you will be responsible for the safe-keeping of the property and its contents and unless otherwise advised, you will be responsible for insuring the contents of the property and the safekeeping of your own valuables and effects

Tenants are requested to bring any disrepair, damage or defect in the premises to the attention of Eden Property Lettings & Management as soon as possible via contact us on 01229476413 alternatively via email. 

In processing your tenancy application, we shall be required to process and store personal information on your behalf, and liaise with credit referencing agencies and your landlord.  We shall make every effort to keep such information safe and secure.  Once you have moved into the property, it may occasionally be necessary to share contact information with trusted contractors (for example to arrange access for maintenance work), utility companies and other related parties.  We will ask for your consent to this prior to providing your details. We do not divulge or pass on your details to any third party organisations for marketing purposes.

Where there are rent arrears or other charges remaining at the end of the tenancy, we reserve the right to pass on your details to a tracing agent or debt collection company to help recover the money owed.  Leaving unpaid rent and other bills at the end of your tenancy may affect your credit rating, and your ability to obtain a new tenancy, or other credit facilities.

24 hours prior to the date of occupation the balance (one month’s rent and full deposit) is to be paid by Bank Transfer. We will appoint a lead tenant and advise to arrange for a standing order facility to be set up for the total amount of rental on that property pcm.  It is important that you provide us with your bank details on or before the occupation date.  Eden Property Lettings & Management Ltd regret that we do not accept personal cheques or cash in payment for rent.  Delayed rent payment causes us considerable extra administration and delays in our payments to the landlord which may result in a fee being charged to you.

A tenancy deposit is held against dilapidations to the property or its contents, loss of rent or other unexpected costs.  This deposit is protected by:

Deposit Protection Service…… (Tenancy deposit scheme).  Details of the scheme and the dispute resolution provisions will be issued within 30 days of receipt of the deposit.

The tenancy deposit is equivalent to One month’s rent and is returnable after the expiration of the tenancy this will be paid back to you by bank transfer from the DPS and not us the Agent. This is subject to a final inspection and full inventory check.   If any necessary cleaning, repairs or replacements are required following the tenancy, then the deposit would be refunded, less any remedial costs, within the time frame stated by the (DPS) Deposit Protection Service.

Frost damage is a risk to all houses during the winter period due to possible pipe bursts and flooding. You are required to take reasonable precautions to prevent frost damage if you are away from the property for anything other than a very short period.  Such precautions might include leaving the heating on (and turned down to a low setting), and opening the loft access hatch to allow warm air to circulate into the attic space.  If you are away for a more extended period, then you should contact Eden Property Lettings & Management or the landlord regarding more permanent arrangements such as turning off the mains water supply or draining down the heating system.  Failure to carry out these precautions could make you liable for any damage caused as you will be in breach of your obligation to occupy the property in a ‘tenant-like’ manner.

As tenant(s), you will be responsible for the safe-keeping of the property and its contents and unless otherwise advised, you will be responsible for insuring the contents of the property and the safekeeping of your own valuables and effects.



Our repair policy does not include odd jobs.

It is the responsibility of a tenant to replace light bulbs or fuses, unblock sinks within the kitchen and bathroom. It is also a tenant’s responsibility to maintain the garden and keep drains clear of any fallen leaves.

Below is a checklist that may help tenants resolve any issues they have. We ask you to check the list below to determined weather it is an Emergency or general repair. The telephone number for Emergency is provided to all tenants upon the move in date  (outside of office ours  5pm to 9am) . For general repairs you will need to contact the office on 01229-476413 (9am to 5pm).




Have you tried to flush the toilet with a bucket of water?
Have you tried to unblock with a solution (sink un-blocker) or toilet brush/plunger?
Is this the only toilet within the property?
The above applies to baths, showers and sinks.


Is any damage being caused to the property or neighbouring property?
Is it causing a Health & Safety issue?
Is it preventing the use of the toilet?
Unblocking of drains and sanitary items then these are the responsibility of the tenants, only when the blockage cannot be resolved will we engage a drainage company, should they advise the blockage is down to the tenants use then we will invoice the tenant.


Do you have credit on your meter’s if meters are top up meter’s?
If the heating system is electric have you tried changing the fuse?
Do you have hot water?
Have you checked for any leaks to the radiators or the boiler?
Still no heating then you would need to contact us.


Do you have any other means of washing? Electric Shower?
Do you have credit on your meter if it is a top up meter/smart meter.?
Have you tried to reset the boiler following the instructions on the boiler?
Still no hot water then you would need to contact us.





Check with neighbours and the water supplier to see if there are any know works being carried out?
Is it just your property?
Is it just one part of the property that is without water?


Have you lost all power?
Have you checked the fuse box?
Have you overloaded any adaptors?
Did the power go off when you plugged an appliance in?
Have you checked the fuses in your appliances?
Is it just a loss to this property ?
Check with neighbours and the supplier as it may well be a local power cut.
Check for credit if you have a token/card meter.
If you have done all of the above then please contact us.


Where is the leak?
Is the leak a minor drip of running water/gushing our?
Have you mitigated any loss by way of placing buckets, towels down to catch the water?
Is the water likely to get into any electrical fittings?
Is the leak causing any damage?
Have you turned the water off by the stop cock?


Are there roof tiles/slates falling off?
Is this a danger to the public?
Where is the damage to the roof?


Why is the property unsecure?
Has the door been damaged?
Is the lock broken? How did it break?
Is the Glass damaged? How did it get damaged?


The tenant is responsible for the repair and maintenance of any television aerials, satellite dishes or similar installations for use with any television at the property.  You are also reminded that a television licence is required in order to use a television at the property and the tenant would be responsible for this cost.





If you have a total loss of heating then you need to report this is considered as an emergency repair between the months of OCTOBER AND APRIL, we aim to get emergency repairs carried out within 24 hours. Should this situation arise between MAY and SEPTEMBER then we will aim to get the situation resolved within 4 days.


If you smell gas then leave the property and call Cadent on 0800 111 999


The emergency telephone number should only be called if you are gong to be without for more than 24 hours. If you have a total loss of water then you will need to phone your supplier.


Should any blockages no be resolved by the steps within the maintenance guide above then please call the emergency number.





The mobile number should NOT be used in any other circumstances other than to


You may find that smoke detectors and similar safety devices have been fitted in your property.  Where this is the case, please ensure that you check all such devices on moving into the property and familiarise yourself with their operation (most smoke detectors have a test button to check batteries and the unit are operating correctly) and report any problems to your agent.  Thereafter, you should check the devices at regular intervals and you will be responsible for replacement of any batteries that they may require.

Where the property is alarmed using a security code, the tenant must not change the alarm code without obtaining prior written consent from the landlord or Eden Property Lettings & Management.

Eden Property Lettings & Management need to hold alarm and similar security information for emergency, maintenance and inspection purposes; if any alteration is made to the code, you are requested to inform Eden Property Lettings & Management as soon as possible.

The tenant is responsible for the repair and maintenance of any existing installation of television aerials, satellite dishes or similar installations for use with any television at the property.  You are also reminded that a television licence is required in order to use a television at the property and the tenant would be responsible for this cost.

Where a tv aerial is not already in place then it is the responsibility of a tenant to have one installed at their cost.

Damp can be a problem in houses where there are many occupants and the property not adequately ventilated.  You should ensure that any extractor fans are left connected and are properly used.  It is also important to open windows as necessary to encourage an adequate flow of fresh air through the property after bathing or showering in order to allow damp air a chance to escape.  The hanging of washing and wet clothes will also create large amounts of damp air and again, it will be important to provide adequate ventilation in such circumstances.

The presence of mould or dark spots or stains, especially in bathrooms and other wet areas, is a common sign of inadequate ventilation, and it is important to prevent further spread at an early stage before severe and irreversible staining takes place.   Mould and similar stains should be removed by wiping the affected areas with a fungicide or mild bleach in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, but do test on a small area first. If the problem persists, then you should inform us.

Fortunately, with modern building and repair standards, we expect few tenants to be troubled by household pests during their tenancy.  An infestation of any kind, be it ants, fungal attack, bedbugs, fleas or wasps makes a property unpleasant to live in and should be eradicated as soon as possible.  Regular cleaning and vacuuming will help to prevent any such infestation taking hold, and you are expected to take care of the property in this way and keep a watchful eye for unwelcome visitors as part of your tenancy obligations.  During the tenancy, the tenant is responsible for keeping the property free of any pests, and also for any damage that might occur as a result.  You should inform the agent if you discover any pest infestation at the property. we advise not to use food waste outside in rear yards as this can also attract vermin.


Gas Safety regulations apply to both landlords and tenants in rented property.  In order to comply with the regulations, it is necessary:

  • That brown or sooty build-up on any gas appliance, or gas escape should be reported immediately to your letting agent AND your gas supplier. The number of the gas emergency service is 0800 111 999.
  • That ventilators installed in the premises for the correct operation of the gas appliance should not be blocked.
  • That safety checks be carried out every 12 months on any gas appliance in the property by a Gas Safe Register approved engineer. The tenant is required to allow entry with reasonable notice for this purpose. A copy of the gas safety record will be made available to tenants. A charge may be made for missed appointments

ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES For safety reasons, tenants are requested to visually inspect all electrical appliances on a regular basis.  In use, cables and flexes can become frayed and casings broken.  You should contact Eden Property Lettings & Management as soon as possible should any defect be discovered or repair become necessary.  Where electrical appliances are used outdoors (e.g. electrical lawnmowers etc.) they should only be used when connected to an RCD (Residual Current Device) protected mains supply.  RCD units are available from most hardware stores and should be checked before use.

The tenant is responsible for keeping all electric lights in good working order and in particular to replace all fuses, bulbs, or fluorescent tubes, as and when necessary.  Any replaceable or disposable filters, vacuum bags, or other consumable items in appliances and fittings should be replaced as reasonably required and at the end of the tenancy.

Eden Property Lettings & Management will carry out inspections at 4 monthly intervals  unless stated differently by the Landlord.  You will of course be informed (normally 1 week in advance) prior to these inspections.  An administration charge may be made for any missed inspection or maintenance appointments, therefore it is important that you contact us confirm or to make alternative arrangements 

At the end of the Tenancy, the Tenant will be required to attend a check-out process which will be arranged by the Landlord or his Agent.  The check-out process will comprise a full inspection of the Property and Contents and any items missing, damaged or otherwise in a different state to their condition at the start of the tenancy will be recorded.

If the Tenant cannot attend the check-out then the Tenant may prejudice his opportunity to dispute or explain any deficiencies or defects discovered at checkout or take any immediate remedial act

The tenancy agreement is a legal and binding contract for the set term that you have previously agreed and signed for.  However, if due to unforeseen circumstances, you need to leave the property before the expiration of the tenancy subject to the Landlord’s written agreement, we would under instructions from the landlord  re-advertise the property for re-let.(as within your tenancy agreement)

Should it not be possible to re-let the property immediately, you would be responsible for all rental expenses such as Council Tax, gas, electricity, water and telephone payments until the new tenants have taken up occupation of the property or until the original termination date of the agreement, whichever is sooner.  If you fail to vacate the property on the date requested or agreed, or fail to meet the obligations of the letting agreement, then we reserve the right to make a reasonable charge to cover legal fees, losses and other costs to the landlord, agent or other parties.